Coptic Solidarity A man hurled an improvised bomb at the entrance of a packed church in Egypt in what observers say could’ve been a repeat of the Two Saints Church attack in Alexandria, 2011, which left 23 dead, and 100 injured. The bomb was dismantled before exploding. The attack occurred during the late hours of Saturday, November 12. Thousands of Coptic Christian … [Read more...]
Al Azhar Rejects Reforming ‘Religious Discourse’
Coptic Solidarity Much of the curriculum of Al Azhar—the Islamic world’s most prestigious university, located in Cairo—is based on Islamic books written in the medieval era or earlier. These books—histories, biographies of Muhammad, hadith (words and deeds of the latter), tafsirs (Koran exegeses), etc.—are often criticized by more reform-minded Muslims for being too … [Read more...]
The Houris: Islam’s ‘Sexual Superwomen’
FrontPage Magazine Last month, when the battle for Mosul began, Islamic State “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly promised four extra Houris (supernatural, celestial women designed for sexual purposes)—atop the other 72 promised by prophet Muhammad—to all jihadis who die (are “martyred”) fighting the infidel forces, according to Arabic media accounts. Al-Baghdadi did … [Read more...]
ISIS Breaks into Christian Coffins, Desecrates Corpses and Crosses
A human rights group recently published photos documenting the Islamic State's fanatical and virulent hate for Christians -- even dead ones. The photos show the Christian cemetery of Qarqoosh, Iraq that was vandalized by the Islamic group. Among other things, the jihadis opened coffins and desecrated the remains of the dead-- in the picture below, by snapping off the head of … [Read more...]
Muslims May Wear the Cross to Deceive Christians
An Arabic language video of an Al Azhar professor, Dr. Salim Abdul Galil, is instructive of how that Egyptian institution sees the relationship between Muslims and Christians. In it he discusses Koran 3:28: “Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels rather than believers: whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah—unless you but guard … [Read more...]