Coptic Solidarity One week before the bombing of St. Peter’s cathedral which left at least 25 Christians dead, hostility for Christian churches was being shown in the usual, less spectacular way. Egyptian authorities and politicians held a meeting sponsored by Al Azhar, the nation’s topmost authority on Islam, in the village of Naghameesh, Sohag. Those present included … [Read more...]
Apocalyptic Videos of St. Peter’s Bombing
Below are some dramatic video clips of last Sunday's bombing of St. Peter's Coptic Cathedral in Cairo. This one shows the moment of the blast, beginning around the :50 second mark. According to the news host speaking in Arabic, it also shows the bomber as he entered the building, at the bottom/left of the video, seconds before the blast: The following is one of the … [Read more...]
Egypt: Potentially Deadly Church Attack Thwarted
Coptic Solidarity A man hurled an improvised bomb at the entrance of a packed church in Egypt in what observers say could’ve been a repeat of the Two Saints Church attack in Alexandria, 2011, which left 23 dead, and 100 injured. The bomb was dismantled before exploding. The attack occurred during the late hours of Saturday, November 12. Thousands of Coptic Christian … [Read more...]
Al Azhar Rejects Reforming ‘Religious Discourse’
Coptic Solidarity Much of the curriculum of Al Azhar—the Islamic world’s most prestigious university, located in Cairo—is based on Islamic books written in the medieval era or earlier. These books—histories, biographies of Muhammad, hadith (words and deeds of the latter), tafsirs (Koran exegeses), etc.—are often criticized by more reform-minded Muslims for being too … [Read more...]
The Houris: Islam’s ‘Sexual Superwomen’
FrontPage Magazine Last month, when the battle for Mosul began, Islamic State “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly promised four extra Houris (supernatural, celestial women designed for sexual purposes)—atop the other 72 promised by prophet Muhammad—to all jihadis who die (are “martyred”) fighting the infidel forces, according to Arabic media accounts. Al-Baghdadi did … [Read more...]