Coptic Solidarity The plight of Christians living in Gaza under the Palestinian authority continues to worsen. According to a new Arabic language report, recent years have “witnessed a critical upsurge against the Christians,” who only amount to approximately 2,500 people—surrounded by approximately 1.5 million Muslims. Local authorities have abandoned the tiny minority to … [Read more...]
American Muslim Woman Demonizes Egypt’s Persecuted Copts
Coptic Solidarity At a time when Coptic Christians are suffering abuses “every two or three days” in Egypt, a Muslim woman in America has made a video calling for more Muslim hostility against the Christian minority, in this case, in the guise of an economic boycott. In a video, Ayat Oraby—a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer who has nearly 1.5 million followers on … [Read more...]
Coptic Bishop in Egypt: “Christians Are Original Inhabitants of the Nation”
Coptic Solidarity Coptic Christian Bishop Daniel met with the Swiss Minister of exterior at the St. Mark Cathedral in Cairo, the seat of the Coptic Orthodox Church, during the minister’s recent visit. The bishop said that, formally, the Church enjoys good relations with the state and Al Azhar, which represents Islam in Egypt, but less formally, on the ground, “there is still … [Read more...]
Yemen: Locals Break into and Rob Christian Church
Coptic Solidarity On Friday August 26, unidentified and armed militants broke into and robbed a Christian church, the Church of Banjasar, in Aden south of Yemen, according to a report appearing only in Arabic media. In the words of a local source, “Armed militants accompanied by youths from the village broke into the church after morning prayers and looted the contents of … [Read more...]
Saudis Arrest and Deport 27 Christians for ‘Conducting Christian Prayers’
Coptic Solidarity Saudi Arabian officials recently arrested 27 Christians—among them several women and children—for the crime of "conducting Christian prayers" and being "in possession of Bibles," reports Arab media. The group of Christians, most if not all of whom were Lebanese nationals, were celebrating a Virgin Mary feast day when authorities stormed their … [Read more...]