Originally published by Gatestone Institute under the title, “Egypt: New Attacks on Christians.” In a chronically familiar scene, angry, rioting Muslims in Egypt burned down around 80 Christian homes on June 17. In the words of one of the victims, Moses Zarif, On Friday afternoon, after noon prayers, a large number of Muslims gathered in the front of the new house of my … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Top “Moderate” Cleric: Apostasy a “Crime,” Punishable by Death
Coptic Solidarity The line between “moderate” and “radical” Muslim continues to fade. On the question of apostasy in Islam—whether a born or converted Muslim has the right to abandon Islam for another or no religion—the radical position is well known: unrepentant apostates are to be punished with death. Yet one of the Muslim world’s greatest authorities, the Grand Sheikh … [Read more...]
The Jihad on Christian Church Tents
Originally published by the Gatestone Institute A Christian church in Egypt was recently torched to the ground. According to a statement by the Coptic Christian diocese in Minya, Upper Egypt: "The Virgin Mary Church in Ismailiyah, which is about four miles north of Minya, was exposed to an attack by some extremists who set fire to and completely destroyed it around 2 … [Read more...]
Egyptian Dhimmitude: Christian Official Lures Child Back to Muslim Grandfather and Orders Her to “Remove the Cross”
FrontPage Magazine Nabila Makram—the only Coptic Christian currently serving as a minister in the Egyptian government—may have unwittingly exposed how she reached that position during a televised interview. In the interview, she told the story of a young Egyptian girl named Kariman. Apparently her Muslim mother divorced her father and fled to Italy with an … [Read more...]
How Islam Erased Christianity from History
PJ Media (Danish) While Christianity continues to be physically erased from the Middle East, lesser known is that its historical role and presence is also being expunged from memory. Last month a video emerged showing Islamic State members tossing hundreds of Christian textbooks, many of them emblazoned with crosses, into a large bonfire. As one report put it, ISIS was … [Read more...]