Coptic Solidarity Ibrahim Eissa, an Egyptian television personality, recently made some remarks that were as objective as they were startling to many in Egypt. After pointing out that it is good to teach Coptic Christians the Koran in public schools, simply because knowledge of the Koran goes a long way in improving knowledge of the Arabic language—which both Copts and … [Read more...]
Turkey: Armenian Neighborhoods Must be Turned into “Cemeteries”
Coptic Solidarity Turkey’s Muslims recently invaded with violent intent a number of Armenian (Christian) neighborhoods in Istanbul. “These districts must be turned into Armenian and Kurdish cemeteries,” chanted the angry Turks who support the Erdogan government. This came in response to ongoing clashes between Turkish authorities and the Kurdish Worker’s Party in the … [Read more...]
Mecca: Muslim Pilgrim Commits Suicide in “Hope of Entering Paradise”
A Muslim pilgrim in Mecca committed suicide by hanging himself in a bathroom of the holy site of Mina. He did so in "hope of entering paradise." The man was from Bangadesh and reportedly 50-years-old. He was found hanging in the bathroom around 5 a.m. on Tuesday, September 22. According to witnesses, the man had earlier said that "death while dressed as a pilgrim [ihram … [Read more...]
Al Azhar Promoting ‘Anti-Christian’ and ‘Anti-Infidel’ Violence
Coptic Solidarity While discussing how the Islamic State burns some of its victims alive—most notoriously, a Jordanian pilot—Egyptian journalist Yusuf al-Husayni remarked on his satellite program that “The Islamic State is only doing what Al Azhar teaches… and the simplest example is Ibn Kathir’s Beginning and End.” Located in Cairo, Egypt, Al Azhar is the Islamic world’s … [Read more...]
Islamic State Blows Up 21 Christian Homes
Coptic Solidarity Earlier this week, the Islamic State blew up 21 homes belonging to Christians in the once Christian majority Nineveh Plain, northeast of Mosul. An official of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul further said that the Islamic State has throughout the months detonated “hundreds” of homes in Nineveh Plain, primarily to strike fear into the hearts of … [Read more...]