Saudi Sheikh Adel al-Kalbani, former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca and current prayer leader of Muhaisin Mosque in Riyadh, recently issued the following "tweet" on his personal Twitter account: "My beloved nation: It suffices me that you shelter me from hearing church bells ringing in you." This is reminiscent of when another top ranking Saudi religious leader, Sheikh … [Read more...]
Algerian Muslim Leader: Turn All Churches Into Mosques
According to Abdel Fattah Zarawi, the Muslim leader of the Salafi party, also known as the Free Front of Algeria, any and all Christian churches remaining in the north African nation must be closed and reopened as mosques. Although the closure, destruction, or transformation of Christian churches into mosques is nearly as old as Islam itself -- Algeria was Christian-majority … [Read more...]
Egypt: Gunmen Kidnap 8-Year-Old Copt from Mother’s Arms
Coptic Solidarity Armed gunmen seized an 8-year-old Coptic Christian child from his mother’s arms. The child, Antonious Zaki Hani, was walking with his mother to school in Nag Hammadi, where he attended second grade. Four armed gunmen appeared, forced the child from his mother’s hands under threat of death, and immediately fled in a car. Since the “Arab Spring” came to … [Read more...]
Yemen: Catholic Church Attacked, Plundered by Houthi Rebels?
In an Arabic language tweet that has been picked up by various websites offering few other details, Mareb al-Ward writes: "Houthi militias stormed the St. Anthony Church in al-Tawahi, Aden, in Yemen. They plundered the Catholic church of all its contents." At this time, no other Arabic or news sources are mentioning this incident. The Houthis are a Shia-affiliated rebel … [Read more...]
Exposed: Egypt’s Institutionalized Persecution of Coptic Christians
Coptic Solidarity In a 25-minute interview on Arabic satellite TV with Dr. Mona Roman, Coptic Christian Bishop Agathon fully exposed the plight of his Christian flock in Minya, Egypt—a region that has a large Coptic minority that is steadily under attack. While several important points were made, most notable was that the Egyptian State itself is often behind the … [Read more...]