Muslim attempts at “reformation” continue to be limited to words not actions. A few days ago, efforts to set a minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia “received a blow after the Grand Mufti said there was nothing wrong with girls below 15 getting married.” Two years earlier, the justice ministry began pushing for setting a minimum age in the Arabian kingdom. According to … [Read more...]
Warning: Graphic Images of Murdered Christian Girl in Libya
Photos of Katherine -- or Katrine -- the young Christian girl recently murdered with her parents in Libya were recently published by Al Wafd. They are as graphic as they are necessary to document the virulent hate that animates the persecution of Christians in Muslim lands. According to forensics, the girl was shot at close range three times: twice in the head (one bullet … [Read more...]
Jordan: Santa Claus Arrested for ‘Evangelizing and Inciting Sectarianism’
A man dressed as Santa Claus in the nation of Jordan has been arrested for "evangelizing" and "inciting sectarian strife" in the Muslim-majority nation. A translation of the Arabic report published December 24 follows: Jordanian authorities have arrested a wanted man, a celebrity known as "Papa Noel" [Santa Claus], as he was distributing presents in various parts of the … [Read more...]
‘Muslim Reformers’: Forever Talking the Talk, Never Walking the Walk
FrontPage Magazine Due to its rarity, it’s always notable whenever a top Islamic leader publicly acknowledges the threat of Islamic radicalism and terror. And yet, such denunciations never seem to go beyond words—and sometimes not even that. Thus, in “An Arab Prince Denounces Islamism,” Daniel Pipes highlights “a remarkable but thus-far unnoticed address on Dec. 5” by … [Read more...]
Al Azhar Refuses to Denounce Islamic State as “Un-Islamic”
Jihad Watch For all its talk about “combatting radicalism,” Al Azhar University—perhaps Sunni Islam’s most authoritative voice—will not even denounce the Islamic State as “un-Islamic.” When pressed on it, an Al Azhar spokesman, Abbas Showman, recently said: “As an official entity, Al Azhar has never in all its history proclaimed anyone or any organization as un-Islamic …. … [Read more...]