According to Arabic media, the Islamic State recently announced that its new currency will appear in a few weeks and that it will be called the "gold dinar." Soon afterwards, the image to the right appeared on several jihadi websites, apparently deliberating over its design. The Arabic states: "For the sake of the return of the righteous caliphate." … [Read more...]
Islamic State Calls for Jihad on Egypt, ‘Targets the Copts’
Coptic Solidarity The Islamic State has called on its followers to take the jihad to Egypt, to the heart of Cairo itself. Abu Mus ‘ab al-Maqdisi, a leader in the Islamic State, said in a statement titled “Advice to Egypt’s Mujahidin [jihadis],” published on websites linked to the “caliphate,” that “It is necessary to take the battle to Cairo, until the Sinai is safeguarded … [Read more...]
“Inside Every Brotherhood Member is an Islamic State Member”
French Coptic Solidarity A Muslim Brotherhood dissident recently pointed out that “inside every Brotherhood member is an Islamic State member.” This came in response to the recent revelation that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was once in the Muslim Brotherhood. Abdul Jalil al-Sharnubi, a former Brotherhood leader, made his statements during a satellite … [Read more...]
Islam’s ‘Good Cop/Bad Cop’ Routine
PJ Media French Yet one more piece of evidence tying the United States to the Islamic State recently came to light. In a new video interview, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the most authoritative clerics in the Muslim community who has his own program on Al Jazeera and is chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, asserted that the leader of the … [Read more...]
America’s “Moderate Syrian Rebels” Are All Islamic Jihadis, Says Saudi Intelligence
Jihad Watch More evidence recently emerged indicating that the Obama administration is using the pretext of fighting one set of Islamic State terrorists in a way to help support another set of Islamic State terrorists—those fighting Syria’s Bashar Assad. Back on September 10, Reuters reported that Saudi Arabia has agreed to host training camps for moderate Syrian rebels as … [Read more...]