Coptic Solidarity Further demonstrating its true face, Egypt’s National Salafi Party recently refused to count the Islamic State as a “terrorist” organization, or even that it had misinterpreted Islam. Despite the fact that the Islamic State’s many atrocities are well known—crucifixions, beheadings, massacres, enslavements and rapes—Yousry Hammad, the party’s vice … [Read more...]
Egypt: Another Christian Girl Kidnapped; Indifferent Police Complain about Muslims Dying in Syria
Coptic Solidarity Another Coptic female was kidnapped by Muslims in Egypt earlier this week. The 20-year-old Christian youth was on her way to St. George Church in Sohag governate during the early morning but never returned, according to her brother during a video interview. The family later received a phone call from a certain “Muhammad” who said that if they wanted to … [Read more...]
New Revelation: ISIS Leader Originally from Muslim Brotherhood
In a new video interview, Shiekh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the most respected clerics in the Muslim community and spiritual father of the Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed that the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was once a member of the Brotherhood. But he was always “inclined to be a leader,” so after he was released from prison (for his Brotherhood … [Read more...]
Muslim Man Sexually Harasses Coptic Woman to Convert to Islam and Marry Him
Coptic Solidarity Lisa Nasim Basari, a 28-year-old Coptic Christian girl living with a very few remaining family in Minya province, Egypt, recently made a video descrying the advances of a Muslim man who has been pressuring her to convert to Islam and marry her. According to her account, Wa’il Hassan Abdul Mu’min started to appear whenever she left the house; when she would … [Read more...]
Islamic State Grants ‘Non-Infidel’ Certificates
French Coptic Solidarity During its conquests in Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State has had to come up with a method to allow all those non-Sunnis who ended up converting to Sunni Islam instead of being killed—the Christians, Yazidis, Shias, who for whatever reason remained under IS territory—to be identified as true and legitimate Muslims. Accordingly, it has been issuing … [Read more...]