French According to a number of independent sources, the so-called "Islamic State" (formerly "of Iraq and Syria," or "ISIS"), just recently burned down the Syriac Catholic Diocese in Mosul, destroying all its contents. This comes soon after the organization threatened all Christians under its authority either to pay jizya, or extortion money, convert to Islam, or die. … [Read more...]
New Caliphate Stones Woman to Death for Adultery
Friday, July 18, the Islamic State, which recently proclaimed itself the new caliphate, stoned a woman to death on the accusation of adultery. This occurred after evening prayers in the open market place of the northern province of Raqa, Syria. The woman was "in her thirties and found guilty of adultery in a Sharia court." The report, which appears on RT Arabic, concludes … [Read more...]
New Islamic Caliphate Declares Jihad on … Muslims
French The new “caliphate” of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—the Islamic State, formerly “ISIS”—recently made clear that it means to follow in the footsteps of the original caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Sadiq (632-634), specifically by directing its jihad against fellow Muslims, in Islamic parlance, the “hypocrites” and “apostates,” or in Western terminology, “moderates.” This came out in … [Read more...]
Why Islam Permits Exactly Four Wives
Jihad Watch During a recent Arabic program devoted to how religions view marriage, Islamic clerics endeavored to answer the host’s question, “Why does Islam permit exactly four wives, as opposed to only one or more than four? One of these clerics responded by saying that, before Islam, there was no limit to how many wives an Arab man could have. But when Koran 4:3 … [Read more...]
Syria: Captive Women Herded and Sold in Slave Markets
Portuguese Coptic Solidarity The above picture recently appeared on several Arabic social media and websites. Its caption says: "First female slave market in Deir ez-Zur," a Syrian region that is 20 percent Christian and is currently occupied by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Regardless of its origin or authenticity, it’s true significance is that it perfectly … [Read more...]