Arabic French Spanish Islam permits Muslim husbands to abandon their wives to rapists in order to save their own lives—so says Dr. Yassir al-Burhami, vice president of Egypt’s Salafi party, the nation’s premiere Islamist party since the Muslim Brotherhood was banned. Burhami’s fatwa, or Islamic decree, is not altogether surprising. Earlier the Salafi sheikh said that, … [Read more...]
Egypt: Christian Arrested for Using Home as Church
A Coptic Christian man in Egypt has been arrested on complaints from local Muslims that, without a permit, he has converted his home into a church and is supposedly even holding religious rituals. The 55-year-old man, known only by his initial, “BH,” is a laborer in the al-Minya district in Upper Egypt, where Christians are especially targeted. It was back in 2011 that the … [Read more...]
Barefaced Lies of the Muslim Brotherhood
Pro-Muslim Brotherhood sheikh and cleric, Dr. Muhammad Abdul Maqsud, in an almost surreal turnabout, just appeared on Al Jazeera saying that he and the Brotherhood are staunchly against violence and/or acts of terror in Egypt, telling Brotherhood supporters in that country, “Bearing arms never leads to any good” and “We do not incite the youth to protest or engage in … [Read more...]
‘Sex Jihad’ Fatwa Permits Incest in Syria
Last year, according to Arabic media accounts, “Saudi cleric Nasser al-‘Umar issued a fatwa permitting mujahidin [jihadis] in Syria to have sex-jihad with their sisters [muharamhum] if no one else is available. The Saudi preacher also praised the mujahidin for their ongoing fight against, in his words, the machine of infidelity and oppression, that is, the Syrian and Iranian … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood Member Rapes Boy for Supporting Anti-Brotherhood Revolution
A young boy in Egypt, apparently no more than six-years-old, was recently raped by a Muslim Brotherhood member “angered” at the child for singing praises to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, widely seen in Egypt as the hero of the revolution that saw the ousting of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood in July 2013, and likely Egypt’s next president. The details, including video interviews … [Read more...]