In Idlib, northwest Syria, seven soldiers were recently captured by "rebel" forces. They were tortured and executed, by beheading, echoing Koran 47:4: "So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve [or "infidels"], then smite the necks [decapitate] until when you have overcome them... That is the command." Today, Al Hadath News published the following pictures of the … [Read more...]
‘Our Youngest Hostage’
According to Sham Times and other Arabic websites, jihadi social media networks posted the above picture of a child sitting on the ground while surrounded by armed men pointing their rifles at him. The caption appearing with the picture, purportedly posted by a supporter of the Free Syrian Army, is "Our youngest hostage from among the hostile sects of Kessab." Kessab is a … [Read more...]
Former Jihadi Leader: Brotherhood Bought Al-Qaeda ‘Terror Support’ for $25 Million
Yesterday on Haya TV, Nabil Na‘im, a former leader of Egypt’s Islamic Jihad and close confidante of current al-Qaeda leader, Ayman Zawahiri—who also helped found Egypt’s Islamic Jihad—asserted that, during the reign of former president Muhammad Morsi, Zawahiri was given $25 million from Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat al-Shatter to organize, fund, and assemble the jihadi … [Read more...]
Obama Admin: Fighting Terrorism but Supporting Terrorists?
News recently emerged that “the Obama administration is imposing sanctions on an Egypt-based group that has claimed responsibility for attacks against Egyptian officials, Israeli interests and foreign tourists in Cairo and the Sinai peninsula. The State Department said Wednesday [4/9/14] it has designated Ansar Bayt al-Muqadis a ‘foreign terrorist organization.’” While … [Read more...]
Jihad on Cigarettes
A video of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) -- a terrorist organization -- seizing and burning hundreds of cigarette cartons in the conquered city of Raqqah, Syria, was recently made. After dousing the huge pile of cigarette cartons with gasoline, the large crowd starts shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is greater") -- or "thank God," according to John Mccain -- … [Read more...]