Libyan authorities came across the slain bodies of seven Christian Copts in the region of Jarutha, less than 20 miles west of Benghazi, on Monday afternoon. According to Libyan authorities, "The slain were killed by gunshots all over their bodies." Pictures (reproduced above and below) confirm that the men were killed "execution-style," including one Copt whose head and face … [Read more...]
Confirmed: Qatar to Expel Brotherhood
Dr. Kamel Helbawi, a former spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed that Qatar is preparing to evict many Muslim Brotherhood leaders who had fled to Doha seeking refuge after the Egyptian military ousted the Muhammad Morsi government in July 2013. Earlier reports had said that Qatar—home of Al Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood’s propaganda mouthpiece—was being … [Read more...]
Qatar to Send Brotherhood Leaders to London Haven
Coptic Solidarity According to new media reports, Qatar's government has called on the top leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Group (al-Gama‘a al-Islamiyya)—including Assam Abdul Majid and Tarek al-Zomor, the leaders of the Islamic Group, and Muhammad Mahsub, Ashraf Badr al-Deen, Mahmoud Hasayn, and Hamza Zawba, the formal speaker of the Brotherhood’s Justice … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood Promotes ‘Molotov’ Violence
A new group calling itself Molotov, which some Arabic media are calling “one of the violent wings of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood,” is using social media including Facebook and Twitter to teach Egyptians, presumably disgruntled Muslim Brotherhood/Morsi supporters, how to build and use Molotov cocktails (improvised incendiary weapons that are easily made; several of the … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Latest Terrorizers Release New Video
Coptic Solidarity Ansar Bayt al-Muqadas, one of the latest Islamic terror groups to target Egypt, combating the post-Morsi government, yesterday posted on YouTube a video clip of the bombing of a military intelligence building in Anshas, east of Cairo. This terrorist attack occurred in December; at least four were injured. The video, which shows the building for several … [Read more...]