Days before the ousting of former Egyptian President Morsi, an Arabic-language report had said that, “al-Qaeda, under the leadership of Muhammad Zawahiri [brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri and a leader of al-Qaeda in Sinai], is currently planning reprisal operations by which to attack the army and the Morsi-opposition all around the Republic [of Egypt].” That, of … [Read more...]
Muslim Husbands Must Hate Non-Muslim Wives
Spanish Often translated as “Loyalty and Enmity,” the little-known Islamic doctrine of wala’ wa bara’ commands Muslims never to befriend or be loyal to non-Muslims, while being clean of, disavowing and ultimately hating them. During a question-and-answer session at an Islamic conference, the full extent of this divisive doctrine was given full expression (see video; also … [Read more...]
Islamist News Media = Islamist Hollywood
According to a new report, “Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news about Syria to justify military intervention. The primary ‘witness’ that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments. Recent video evidence proves that ‘Syria Danny,’ the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on … [Read more...]
UNESCO on Brotherhood Supporters: ‘Enemies of Civilization and Heritage’
After visiting the ransacked Malawi National Museum in al-Minya, Upper Egypt, as well as a nearby evangelical church that was torched, Pierre-André Lablaude, a UNESCO antiquities representative, expressed his "displeasure and dismay" concerning the "radical" groups responsible for such wanton destruction of historic buildings and antiquities, describing them as "enemies of … [Read more...]
Putin Supports Egyptian Military, Orthodox Churches to Work Together
A report on Tahrir News today titled, "Greek Orthodox Patriarch to Pope Tawadros: 'Putin Stressed to Me Russia's Support for Egypt During My Visit,'" discusses how, among other things, Patriarch Theodore II, the current Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa, just informed Coptic Pope Tawadros II that, in his recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir … [Read more...]