Jihad Watch The U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, is being accused of some outlandish behavior and remarks. Last week, several Egyptian papers and websites, including Al Dostor, reported that Dia’ al-Din al-Garahi, a human rights lawyer and president of the Justice Center for Freedoms and Media, submitted a complaint to the Attorney General accusing Patterson “of libel … [Read more...]
Video: Christian Girls Gang Raped to Screams of “Allahu Akbar” in Egypt
Earlier this week a video began circulating on Arabic-language websites purportedly showing a crowd of Muslims in Egypt assaulting and raping two Christian women—on a crowded street and in broad daylight. The video opens with Muslim men repeatedly shouting the word “Nasara”—the Koran’s derogatory appellation for “Christians”—as they identify two Coptic women who proceed to … [Read more...]
In Pictures: Savage Islamic Attack on St. Mark Cathedral Allowed by Egyptian Forces
Egypt's Coptic Christians frequently accuse State Security and police of overlooking Muslim attacks on Christians and their places of worship, especially monasteries and churches. The Western mainstream media often ignores these accusations, or mentions them in passing as "unsubstantiated reports." Last weekend's assault on the St. Mark Cathedral -- unprecedented in … [Read more...]
Exposed: President Morsi’s ‘Brotherhoodization’ Plan for Egypt
Red State The Muslim Brotherhood’s former General Guide, Mahdi Akef, the organization’s supreme leader from 2004-2010, declared during an interview published today by the Kuwaiti newspaper, Al Jarida, that the “Brotherhoodization” of Egypt's state organs—which would see the transformation of Egypt into the image of the Muslim Brotherhood—is President Muhammad Morsi’s grand … [Read more...]
Coptic Boy Kidnapped at Knifepoint, Abductors Open Fire on Church
Jihad Watch Just as Islamic terrorists feed off of Christian minorities by kidnapping and ransoming them in lawless regions—like “liberated” Iraq and on-its-way to being “liberated” Syria—last Sunday, four armed and masked men kidnapped a 12-year-old Coptic Christian boy, Abanoub Ashraf, as he was walking to his church in “Arab-Spring-liberated” Egypt. Right before he reached … [Read more...]