According to a new report from the Arabic-language website Misr al-Gidida (New Egypt), during Egyptian president Muhammad Morsi’s recent visit to Islamabad, Pakistan, he secretly met with Ayman Zawahiri, the leader of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda, and promised to smuggle the Egyptian-born jihadi back home. The Arabic report cites a Pakistani source saying that the … [Read more...]
Muslim Cleric Calls U.S. Aid to Egypt ‘Jizya’
As earlier suggested, the wonderful thing about Salafis—those extra “radical” Muslims who seek to emulate as literally as possible prophet Muhammad’s teachings and habits—is that they are so unabashed and frank about what they believe. Such is the degree of brainwashing that they have undergone. Unlike the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded much earlier, doublespeak is … [Read more...]
Egypt: ‘Morality Police’ Thrashed for Whipping Woman
Now here is some amusing news. According to the Arabic website, Sawt al-Masih al-Hur, members of the Islamic group “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice” in Suez, Egypt, deciding to implement their namesake, took to whipping an Egyptian woman today because of her clothing—only to receive a sound thrashing at the hands of the citizens of Suez. The picture published by … [Read more...]
Libyan Jihadis Shave Beard of Christian Priest, Attack Church Again
More details concerning the recent spate of attacks on Christian Copts in Libya—including two church attacks and the mass arrest and torture of Christians, resulting in the death of one—are emerging. Apparently during the assault on the Coptic church in Benghazi from two weeks ago, the terrorists severely beat and shaved the beard and mustache of Father Paul, the priest of the … [Read more...]
Hatred of Christians Unleashed in Libya
Last Thursday, a Coptic Christian church located in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked by armed Muslim militants. Initial reports indicate that at least one priest, Fr. Paul Isaac, was injured, as well as his assistant. It is the second church in Libya to be attacked in two months. Earlier, on Sunday, December 30, an explosion rocked a Coptic Christian church near the western … [Read more...]