Originally published by the Gatestone Institute Recently an Egyptian Muslim posted a YouTube videotape of himself cursing Islam, its holy book, the Koran, tearing the latter to pieces and throwing it in the garbage. Excerpts of what he said follow: There it is, Allah's book, this is the basic catastrophe. I don't know what day it is of this disgusting month of Ramadan! You … [Read more...]
Victimization of Egypt’s Christians Worse After Revolution
While some are aware that the Christians of war-torn Syria and Iraq are regularly abducted and held for large ransoms by Western-sponsored "freedom fighters," it is largely unknown in the West that the Christians of Egypt—which is not war-torn and has a stable government—are also prey to the same treatment. According to Al Moheet, a new human rights report indicates that there … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Salafi Party Objects to Banning Sex Slavery
Published in Jihad Watch Considering that the abduction, enslavement, rape, and trafficking of Coptic Christian girls, especially minors, in Egypt is at an all time high—according to U.S. lawyers, 550 such cases have been documented in the last five years—Egypt's Constituent Assembly to the Constitution met yesterday to consider the inclusion of a new article, #33, in the … [Read more...]
Ramadan: Islam’s ‘Holy Month’ of Christian Oppression
Published in Investigative Project on Terrorism The month of Ramadan, which ended earlier this week, proved to be a month of renewed Muslim piety on the one hand, and renewed oppression of non-Muslim minorities on the other. In Nigeria, for example, Islamic militants are living up to the assertion that "Ramadan is a month of jihad and death for Allah," proving that killing … [Read more...]
Egypt: Christians Threatened for Selling ‘Filthy Idols’
Youm-7, one of Egypt's popular secular media that was recently attacked by Muslim Brotherhood supporters, reports that at least seventeen Christian bookstores in Shubra, one of Cairo's largest districts, are under threat for selling Christian icons and statues. The storeowners, who are "in panic," say they received threat letters by mail demanding that they stop selling their … [Read more...]