Originally published by the Gatestone Institute Several Arabic news reports appeared yesterday, Tuesday, May 22, exposing the new hijab policy of theJordanian Dubai Islamic Bank. Under new ownership, bank management recently decreed that all females must wear the hijab, the Islamic veil, or be terminated. According to Najem News—which says the bank's policy "contradicts … [Read more...]
Voting in Egypt as ‘Holy War’
Its Only Value, to Empower Sharia Originally published by the Gatestone Institute Despite the fact that some in the West portray Islam and democracy as being perfectly compatible, evidence continues to emerge that, for many countries in the Middle East, democracy and elections are various means to one end: the establishment of a decidedly undemocratic form of law—Islamic, or … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood Buying Votes with Food
Published in Jihad Watch News continues to emerge days before Egypt's presidential elections indicating that the Islamists are relying on any and every strategy to gain votes for their pro-Sharia candidates. As we just saw, any number of Islamic authorities—from Yusuf al-Qaradawi to the Sharia Body for Rights and Reform—said that it is an "obligation" to vote only for those … [Read more...]
Egypt: Taqiyya in Action
by Raymond Ibrahim • May 18, 2012 Cross-posted from Jihad Watch Here is an interesting anecdote of taqiyya—the Islamic doctrine that permits lies and hypocrisy whenever Muslims fear their stronger adversaries, including fellow Muslims: Soon after the clash between Egypt's military and Islamists at al-Abbassia, Sheikh Hassan Abu al-Ashbal, one of the leaders of the Salafi … [Read more...]
Saudi Arabia: Child Flogged and ‘Severely Beaten’ by Koran Teacher
by Raymond Ibrahim • May 17, 2012 at 3:40 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch In Saudi Arabia, it was recently revealed that a 5-year-old boy was "severely beaten" and whipped by his teacher, with "wounds appearing on various parts of his body." According to Garaa News, it is unknown why the teacher scourged the child, and the teacher's identity has been withheld to protect … [Read more...]