Preach Peace When Weak, Wage War When Strong Has there ever been a time when one group of people openly exposes its animosity for another group of people—even as this second group not only ignores the animosity, but speaks well, enables, and legitimizes the first group? Welcome to the 21st century, where Western politicians empower those Muslims who are otherwise constantly … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood Declares ‘Mastership of World’ as Ultimate Goal
Published in Jihad Watch Although many Muslim leaders openly articulate their efforts as part of a larger picture—one that culminates in the resurrection of a caliphate adversarial by nature to all things non-Muslim—many Western leaders see only the moment, either out of context or, worse, in a false context built atop wishful thinking. Among other things, this myopiacauses … [Read more...]
Lessons on the Long Road to Hijab
This caricature, which first appeared on, has been making the rounds on the Arabic blogosphere, and points to how democratic elections are serving to Islamize Egypt: average women enter the ballot box—"overseen" by the Muslim Brotherhood—only to emerge thoroughly veiled, thoroughly Islamized. Speaking of veils and the Brotherhood, here's an … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood Calls for a “United Arab States” with Jerusalem as its Capital
by Raymond Ibrahim • Dec 20, 2011 at 1:22 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch Time and time again, we see how Western concepts, when articulated through an Islamic framework, lead to results antithetical to the West. For instance, "democracy" and "elections"—which in the West suggest "freedom," "human rights," "liberty," etc.—are today being used to bring Sharia law, the … [Read more...]
The Specter of Jizya Returns to Egypt
Published in Jihad Watch In Egypt, calls for jizya—the tribute doctrinally demanded and historically collected from conquered infidels—are increasing day by day, by those who wish to be true to the words of Koran 9:29: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor forbid that which Allah and his Messenger have forbidden, nor follow the religion of truth [Islam], … [Read more...]