Gary Lane, the host of CBN News' "Global Lane," recently interviewed me about my new book, Sword and Scimitar, in the context of current events. The video follows; our 11-minute segment -- titled "Is Islam a Religion of War or Peace?" -- begins around 12:35. (My earlier interview on the 700 Club with Pat Robertson can be viewed here.) … [Read more...]
“Eternal Jihad: Islam Will Never, Ever Stop”
Editor's note: Andrew E. Harrod, PhD, JD, Esq, recently reviewed my book, Sword and Scimitar on American Thinker. Titled, "Eternal Jihad: Islam Will Never, Ever Stop," it follows: The "West and Islam have been mortal enemies since the latter's birth some fourteen centuries ago," warns Islam scholar Raymond Ibrahim in his recent book Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries … [Read more...]
The Dire Consequences of Rewriting Western-Muslim History
Jerusalem Post How can a fundamentally weak Muslim world be a threat to an economically and militarily superior West? One of the least explored answers to this conundrum revolves around an antithesis—namely, how the West portrays Islam today, compared to its actual historic experiences with Islam. In fact, from Islam’s first contact with Western civilization and for … [Read more...]
“All White Women are Sluts and Deserve to be Raped”: The West Adopts Islam’s Perspective?
American Thinker Russian European women are to blame for being raped by Muslim men. Such is the latest position—the latest apologia—being offered by those dedicated to exonerating undesirable Muslim behavior, particularly in the context of welcoming more Muslim migrants into the West. On October 14, seven Muslim migrants raped a teenage German girl in a park, after … [Read more...]
The Sharia Supremacist Doctrine: Raymond Ibrahim on Secure Freedom Radio
I was recently interviewed on Secure Freedom Radio, with Frank Gaffney. Titled, "The Sharia Supremacist Doctrine" and made up of four segments, the 43-minute interview follows. (Beneath it is Secure Freedom Radio's description). RAYMOND IBRAHIM, Author of Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West (2018); Author of Crucified Again: Exposing … [Read more...]