James V. Schall, S.J. -- a longtime professor of political philosophy at Georgetown University and author of On Islam -- recently reviewed my book, Sword and Scimitar. First published in the Catholic World Report, and titled, "On the Purpose of Islam: A Review of Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar," it follows: “Unlike most military histories—which no matter how … [Read more...]
Arabic-Language Video: Brother Rachid and Raymond Ibrahim on Sword and Scimitar
I recently appeared on the popular Arabic-language program, Su'al Jari' ("Daring Question"), hosted by Brother Rachid, a Muslim convert to Christianity with penetrating insights. We discussed my new book, Sword and Scimitar. Titled "The History of the Wars between Islam and the West," the hour long video (conducted entirely in Arabic) follows: … [Read more...]
Andrew G. Bostom/PJ Media on “Raymond Ibrahim’s Historical Reconquista”
Editor's note: Over at PJ Media, Dr. Andrew G. Bostom, author of the indispensable Legacy of Jihad, reviews my book, Sword and Scimitar. Titled, "Ibrahim’s Historical Reconquista: New Book Reveals Christendom’s 1400-Year Struggle Against Jihad," a portion of the review follows: [...] Like John Quincy Adams’ 1830 essay, Raymond Ibrahim’s new Sword and … [Read more...]
Raymond Ibrahim on 700 Club: Sword and Scimitar
Earlier today I appeared on the 700 Club with Pat Robertson. During the segment titled, "Religion of Peace? Historian Documents 14 Centuries of War Between Islam and the West," we discussed my new book, Sword and Scimitar. Although the interview was originally slated for 7 minutes, we ended up talking for 20 minutes. The video follows: … [Read more...]
Asia Bibi and 1,400 Years of Muhammad ‘Blasphemers’
PJ Media “Hang the infidel” is the cry emanating from thousands of Muslim throats in Pakistan. The reason: Asia Bibi, a Christian woman accused of insulting Islam’s prophet Muhammad, has apparently not suffered enough. As the married mother of five wrote in her smuggled memoirs: “I've been locked up, handcuffed and chained, banished from the world and waiting to die” … [Read more...]