PJ Media The Palestinian Authority has yet again made perfectly clear why achieving peace between Palestinians and Israelis is so difficult. In a speech laden with historical and theological allusions that few in the West -- but many in the Muslim world -- understand, Mahmoud al-Habbash, the Palestinian Authority’s leading Islamic cleric, supreme Sharia judge, and personal … [Read more...]
Hey, Hollywood: Here Are Some Real Historical Epics to Produce
PJ Media Not only is truth stranger than fiction, but it is often more dramatic and inspiring as well. This is the thought I had while doing research for my latest book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. From start to finish, virtually every military encounter in this perennial history could be turned into an epic movie -- replete with … [Read more...]
Kresta in the Afternoon: “Raymond Ibrahim Looks at the 9/11 Attacks and the History of Jihad”
On September 11, Al Kresta of Ave Maria Radio interviewed me on the events of 9/11 in the context of history. Click here to listen to the roughly 40-minute interview (which starts around 5:36). … [Read more...]
When Vienna Stood against Jihad on 9/11/1683
PJ Media (This article is adapted from the author’s new book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. All quotes are sourced therein.) On September 11, 1683 -- 335 years to the day before the Twin Towers of New York came crumbling down -- another Western city, Vienna, stood between life and death, also against the jihad. Two months … [Read more...]
Sword & Scimitar: The Lessons from 1400 Years of Warfare
Yesterday, September 11, I appeared on "Oh Hale Yeah," with TJ Hale. The official program description and the 33-minute video interview follow: Oh Hale YEAH! Streamed live on Sep 11, 2018 Today is September 11th, but perhaps we should be talking instead about September 11th, 1683. We have 1400 years of documented history from Islamic and Christian points of view. We … [Read more...]