Coptic Solidarity One of the staples of the Islamic whitewashing industry is the claim that jizya—the extortion money subjugated Jews and Christians were required to pay (a la Koran 9:29)—actually “entitled them to Muslim protection from outside aggression and exempted them from military service,” to quote Georgetown University’s John Esposito. By this widely held logic, … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on ‘Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West’
Last week I spoke before the Christian Rights and Freedom Institute in Naples, Florida. My 45-minute speech revolved around the topic of my forthcoming book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, and how Americans have been fed a false history that makes the West’s current conflict with Islam incomprehensible, whereas knowledge of true, … [Read more...]
Medieval Christians Distorted Koran to Prevent Islam from Spreading to Europe?
Coptic Solidarity While discussing the history of the Koran in Europe during a televised interview on the Arabic-language program, “Allah Knows,” Dr. Ali Gom‘a, one of Egypt’s foremost clerics, said that early European translations of the Koran were rooted in Christian desires to learn more about Islam and its language, Arabic. But then he made the following … [Read more...]
Islam’s ‘Slow Motion Genocide’ of Christians
Iraqi Archbishop Bashar Warda made the following observation during a recent speech: “Having faced for 1,400 years the slow-motion genocide that began long before the ongoing ISIS genocide today, the time for excusing this inhuman behavior and its causes is long since passed.” That Muslims have cleansed non-Muslim peoples by the sword since the seventh century to the present … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on the Doctrine and History of Jihad
I was recently interviewed on Truth Matters, hosted by Tony Gurule. The topic of discussion was "Jihad: Past and Present." The 30-minute video follows: … [Read more...]