FrontPage Magazine Pope Francis continues to argue for two interrelated points that, while seemingly humane, compromise Western nations and expose their citizens to danger. He reiterated his first point earlier this month when he said, “I appeal not to create walls but to build bridges.” Francis has made this appeal frequently, both figuratively (when imploring Western … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on Hagmann Report
Earlier this week I appeared on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report. The video interview lasted for 90 minutes, and many topics were covered, including a lengthy section on little known facts concerning nearly 1,400 years of military history between the Muslim and Western worlds. Click here to view, and fast-forward to around the 1:31:20 mark. … [Read more...]
The Return of Islam’s Child-Soldiers
Past and present, Muslim militants continue relying on the same inhumane tactics to terrorize “infidels.” The devastating effects of one of these occurred last August in Turkey: a child “recruited” by the Islamic State blew himself up in a suicide attack that left at least 51 people—mostly fellow children—dead. This child was one of countless, nameless, faceless children … [Read more...]
‘We Are Not Weak’: Does Islamic Claim Stand Up to Scrutiny?
PJ Media Abdul Razak Ali Artan -- an 18-year-old Muslim refugee from Somalia, who was receiving aid from Catholic charities -- recently rammed his car into a building at Ohio State University. He then got out and stabbed people with a butcher knife, sending 13 people to the hospital before he was gunned down by police. In a Facebook post that Artan wrote -- and which the … [Read more...]
The Psycho and Pseudo Jihad
Whenever Muslims engage in behavior that ostensibly contradicts Islam—from doing recreational drugs and watching porn to killing fellow Muslims—Islam’s apologists loudly proclaim “Aha, see, they’re not true Muslims!” Or, in the words of CIA head John Brennan on the Islamic State: “They are terrorists, they’re criminals. Most—many—of them are psychopathic thugs, murderers who … [Read more...]