Despite its religious veneer, Islam can easily be defined and understood by one non-religious word: tribalism. The entire appeal of Muhammad’s call to the Arabs of his time lay in its perfect compatibility with their tribal mores, three in particular: 1) loyalty to one’s tribe; 2) enmity for other tribes; and 3) raids on the latter to enrich and empower the … [Read more...]
Video: The Islamic Reformation Is Here—and You Won’t Like It
What is nowadays referred to as "radical Islam," is, in fact, a byproduct of the "reformation" of Islam -- one that follows the same evolutionary pattern of Christianity's Protestant Reformation, including with a focus on "sola scriptura." Below we show how similar patterns of development can lead to vastly different outcomes -- freedom in the West, bondage under … [Read more...]
Video: The Final Word on ‘Crusade and Jihad’
The third and final critique of William Polk's book, Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North. Part 1, Part 2 … [Read more...]
The True History of Islamophobia
One of the Biden Administration's very last acts in office was to release a "combat Islamophobia" document, which argues that Muslims in America have "routinely experienced hate ... due to baseless stereotypes." There are only two ways to understand this: either Americans are really dumb and/or evil, buying into and acting on any "baseless" trope thrown their way; or else what … [Read more...]
Video: Did European Colonialism Undermine Islam?
In his book, Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North, William Polk argues that grievances against the colonial era are the root source of all problems between Islam and the West -- including terrorism. Here we examine and rebut this claim. This video is essentially Part 2 of a review of his book. Part 1 here. … [Read more...]