In his book, Crusade and Jihad: The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North, William Polk argues that grievances against the colonial era are the root source of all problems between Islam and the West -- including terrorism. Here we examine and rebut this claim. This video is essentially Part 2 of a review of his book. Part 1 here. … [Read more...]
Video: A History of ‘Crusade and Jihad’ (with No Jihad)
A review of the 2018 book, Crusade and Jihad, by William Polk. Although the book's subtitle is "The Thousand-Year War between the Muslim World and the Global North," it -- rather bizarrely -- essentially ignores the first thousand years. The video explains why. … [Read more...]
What Is—and Isn’t—Wrong with Islam?
Islam gets criticized for so many things; however, it's important for non-Muslims to differentiate between those many doctrines that affect Muslims only, and those much fewer doctrines -- three to be exact -- that affect the non-Muslim. It is only the latter, which I detail in the video below, that should ultimately concern the non-Muslim. To be blunt, I care little if Muslims … [Read more...]
Video: Did the Crusades Spoil ‘Five Centuries of Peaceful Coexistence’ with Islam?
A response to a ludicrous claim made by Georgetown professor, John Esposito, a widely acknowledged "expert" on Islam who is regularly consulted by U.S. intelligence and military agencies. … [Read more...]