by Andrew C. McCarthy National Review Online [...] LEGITIMIZING FINANCIAL JIHAD But no, the Kagans tell us, they're not endorsing all of sharia. Of course they don't mean to abet the sundry cruelties and the systematic abuse of women, homosexuals, apostates, and non-Muslims. They simply want believing Muslims to be able to participate in our markets without transgressing … [Read more...]
Persecution Of Christianity In Egypt
Egypt Confronts Coptic Church by David Bedein The Bulletin JERUSALEM – The Middle East Newsline has revealed that the regime of President Hosni Mubarak has decided to confront the Coptic Church, the largest in Egypt. An Egyptian court, in a move supported by the Mubarak regime, has sought to force the church to enable congregants to divorce in violation of the Coptic faith. … [Read more...]
SIOA Appeals to Cordoba Initiative to Drop Ground Zero Mosque Project In the Name of Mutual Respect and Understanding
PR Newswire NEW YORK, June 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The executive director of the human rights group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), Pamela Geller, has issued an open letter to the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan, the leaders of the Cordoba Initiative, asking them to act according to the respect and understanding they espouse by dropping their plans to … [Read more...]
Losing Their Religion
by William Kilpatrick Although many won't admit it, we are in the midst of an ideological war with Islam. And since the advantage goes to the side that fully realizes they are at war, the West is losing. The propaganda war is going in favor of Islam precisely because the West doesn't realize it is supposed to be fighting one. The ability of Islam to rally … [Read more...]
Behave as if afraid, and be treated accordingly
by Michael Haltman The Examiner Dhimmi: The status of non-Muslims under Muslim rule The article, "What Did You Say About Muhammad?!" written by Raymond Ibrahim, points out in no uncertain terms that there is a large price to be paid by the United States and other countries who appease one faith, while allowing the carte blanche verbal and visual abuse of others. The recent … [Read more...]