by Erick Stakelbeck CBN News Terms like "radical Islamist" and "jihadist" have dominated headlines and speeches since 9/11, with the Bush administration using them frequently to describe America's enemies. But that language may be about to change. Although Al-Qaeda and other terrorists identify themselves as jihadists -- holy warriors--some feel we make a mistake by calling … [Read more...]
Interview on the Al Qaeda Reader
Blog Talk Radio: RadioFreeDaralHarb … [Read more...]
Al-Jazeera Remembers July 12, 1191: Acre Falls to the Crusaders
by Tony Jingo Associated Content On July 12, 2008 Arabic news station al-Jazeera did a recurring five minute piece lamenting the fall of the Muslim city of Acre (Arabic: 'Akka) to the Crusaders. The Siege of Acre commenced August 28, 1189, concluded July 12, 1191, and was the first confrontation of the Third Crusade, also known as the Kings' Crusade. As reported by Raymond … [Read more...]
Tough Questions for Islam
The Challenge of Fr. Botros by Chuck Colson Breaking Point Zakaria Botros is a conservative television star with a huge audience. He is even more hated by his political enemies than Rush Limbaugh and Hillary Clinton put together, if you can believe that. At least one newspaper has labeled Botros: "Public Enemy … [Read more...]
The amazing Fr. Zakaria Botros
by Rod Dreher Belief Net Check out this NRO piece on Zakaria Botros, a Coptic priest who's making big waves in the Arab Muslim world with his television broadcasts on Arabic-language television. Excerpts: A third reason for Botros's success is that his polemical technique has proven irrefutable. Each of his episodes has a theme — from the pressing to the esoteric — often … [Read more...]