I recently appeared on, and had a good discussion with, America's Mom, Sherronna Bishop, below: … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim at the Women for Freedom Summit, Dallas
I recently spoke at the Women for Freedom Summit, held in Dallas last month. My 25-minute talk, which was titled "Islam in America," follows, and begins around the 2-minute mark: … [Read more...]
Qatar Tells Muslim Migrants to Despise Their Western Host Nations
The following was written by Selwyn Duke for The New American: “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” goes the age-old sage advice. This counsel is lost on U.S. “ally” Qatar, however, as it’s counseling Muslims living in non-Islamic nations to despise their “infidel” benefactors. Thus reports Raymond Ibrahim, an author, scholar, and senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute who … [Read more...]
Audio: “It Wasn’t Always This Way,” with Raymond Ibrahim
During his Author of the Week segment, Nick Reed of the radio station 104.1 KSGF recently interviewed me on several topics related to my Defenders of the West, including the qualities of great leaders, why Western cynicism is self-defeating, and why suppressing the truth eventually and invariably makes it worse for the suppressers themselves. The 14-minute interview can be … [Read more...]
Video: ‘Securing America TV – Raymond Ibrahim Explains the Origins of Sharia Law’
Frank Gaffney, of the Center for Security Policy, recently interviewed me on his program, Securing America. Below is the official description, followed by the full, nearly hour-long interview separated in five parts: RAYMOND IBRAHIM, Author of Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a … [Read more...]