Fr. McTeigue recently interviewed me on The Catholic Current. We discussed a number of current topics in the 52-minute-long segment, which can be listened to by clicking here. … [Read more...]
Video: R. Ibrahim on Glazov Gang: the Taliban’s Necrophilia
I was recently interviewed on the Glazov Gang, featuring Jamie Glazov and Annie Cyrus. Although the topic ostensibly dealt with necrophilia among the Taliban, we also discussed its grand significance -- that Islamic law is articulated in a way that allows the already perverse to justify their perversity: … [Read more...]
Audio: Raymond Ibrahim on Afghanistan with Al Kresta
Al Kresta of Ave Maria Radio recently interviewed me on a variety of topics related to the Afghan debacle and return of the Taliban. The roughly 15-minute talk can be accessed by clicking here and fast forwarding to the 22:18 mark. … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on How Islam Tore Christendom Apart
I recently appeared on OAN’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney to discuss the military encounter that led to Islam’s takeover of some two-thirds of Christendom, and the lessons of that now forgotten history. The 5-minute video follows: … [Read more...]
Audio: Raymond Ibrahim on 9/11 on ‘Today with Dr. Wendy’
On September 11, I was interviewed on the significance of that date 20 years ago on the "Today with Dr. Wendy" radio program, with Wendy Patrick and Larry Dershem. The roughly 12-minute interview can be accessed here. … [Read more...]