KTRH News' Corey Olsen interviewed me on my recent article on Google Translate. A brief soundbite is available here, and below it is Olsen's writeup of our more in depth discussion, titled "Lost in Translation: Google Finds a New Way to Censor." (The New American also looked into this issue independently here.) We've seen numerous examples in recent years of Google … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on ‘Afghan Jihadists Emboldened’
I recently appeared on 'America, Can We Talk?' with Debbie Georgatos in a segment titled "Afghan Jihadists Emboldened." Several topics were discussed in the near 30-minute video, which follows: … [Read more...]
OAN Video: ‘Historical Spotlight’ with Raymond Ibrahim
I recently appeared on OAN’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney to discuss the dramatic events of August 15 -- not in 2021, when Islamic fanatics retook Afghanistan, but in 718, when an embattled Christian kingdom defeated all that the caliphate could spew at it -- and in so doing saved Western civilization. The 5-minute educational follows: … [Read more...]
Audio: Afghanistan with Raymond Ibrahim on the Glenn Beck Program
Glenn Beck interviewed me about Afghanistan on his radio program the other day. Click here to listen (my 15-minute segment starts around the 14:25 mark, which can be fast-forwarded to). Note: If this link does not work, as it apparently isn't in some European nations, this one might. … [Read more...]
OAN Video: Leftist Hatred for ‘Anti-Islamic’ Hungary with Raymond Ibrahim
I recently appeared on OAN's Tipping Point with Kara McKinney to discuss the Left's war on Hungary and its leader, Viktor Orbán, due to their position -- which has roots in history -- against Muslim migration. The under 5-minutes video follows: … [Read more...]