In "Arabic Expert Unmasks Pope's Muslim Ally," Jules Gomes of Church Militant interviews me: VATICAN CITY ( - A top Arabic scholar is exposing the "two-facedness" of Pope Francis' Muslim dialogue partner and the failure of the pontiff's Human Fraternity pact to stem the escalating persecution of Christians in the Islamic world. Islamic historian Raymond … [Read more...]
EMET Webinar on ’14 Centuries of Radical Islam’ with Raymond Ibrahim
Last week, the Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) held a webinar titled "14 Centuries of Radical Islam's War against the West." I was its featured speaker. The one-hour video with Q&A follows: … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on Christian Persecution and Crucified Again
With a new introduction, my book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians, was recently translated into Portuguese and published by Ecclesiae, a Brazilian publisher, under the title, Crucificados. Below is a 30-minute interview on the book’s topic between Ecclesiae editor Thomaz Perroni and myself. … [Read more...]
Video: ‘Turks Beheading Armenians,’ with Raymond Ibrahim
In "Turks Beheading Armenians," Church Militant interviews me about atrocities committed against the Armenian civilian population, including a recent video of an elderly Armenian man having his throat carved at with a knife (image above). Below is the video and transcript by CM's Trey Blanton: TRANSCRIPT Armenians are being brutalized, and on Dec. 11, Azerbaijan … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on Christian Genocide and Western Censorship
The Observatoire International de la Dhimmitude ("International Observatory of Dhimmitude") an organization based in France and headed by Bat Ye'or, recently interviewed me on two interrelated themes: the persecution of Christians, particularly in Nigeria, and the censorship of that and related topics in the West. My portion begins around the 35-minute mark, with some Q&A … [Read more...]