In a 53-minute-long audio segment titled “Armenia and Other Christian Persecutions," Fr. McTeigue recently interviewed me on The Catholic Current. A number of topics aside from those in the title were discussed. Click hear to listen. … [Read more...]
Video: Call to the First Crusade in the War Room with Stephen Bannon
Yesterday was the anniversary of the Council of Clermont, when Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade, on November 27, 1095. I discussed it in the War Room with Stephen Bannon, starting around the 1:52:06 mark: … [Read more...]
Video: Church Militant’s Exclusive Interview with Raymond Ibrahim on Islam and the West
Michael Voris of Church Militant recently interviewed me. We discussed a number of topics in just over thirty minutes, including Joe Biden's Islamic ties; Armenia and its Muslim neighbors; Europe's volatile present -- made sense by its even more volatile past -- with Islam, and much more. The video -- preceded by its official description by Trey Blanton on the Church … [Read more...]
Video: Islamic Terror in Europe Within the Context of History
I was recently interviewed on Sky Watch TV’s “Five in Ten with Derek Gilbert.” The show description and video follow: Three people were killed in the city of Nice Thursday, the third deadly attack linked to violent Islam in France in less than two months. Raymond Ibrahim, author of Sword and Scimitar, explains that this is not “radical” Islam because violence has been part … [Read more...]
Video: Fatal Terror Attack in Vienna
Earlier today I appeared in the War Room with Stephen Bannon and Raheem Kassam to discuss the most recent terror attack in Vienna. The video follows; the segment begins around the 1:51:10 mark. … [Read more...]