I recently appeared in a Middle East Forum webinar titled "'I Hate Christians': How Fare the Copts? with Raymond Ibrahim." The 30-minute video follows: … [Read more...]
“Raymond Ibrahim 2, CAIR 0 — by KO”
The following interview was conducted by FrontPage Magazine editor, Jamie Glazov (original here): Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author The Al Qaeda Reader (2007), Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013), and Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of … [Read more...]
Shooting the (Infidel) Messenger
Whether it’s true or not, if you say the “wrong” thing about Islam, you’re guilty—even if you’re merely quoting what Muslims themselves say. Consider the recent case of Professor Nicholas Damask, chairman of the Department of Political Science at Scottsdale Community College in Arizona. Last month, after one of his students, Muhammad Sabra, shared on social media quiz … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on Church Militant: “Religion of Peace”
Earlier this week, Michael Voris of Church Militant interviewed me on Mic'd Up. We discussed many interesting topics over the course of 30 minutes. The video follows: … [Read more...]
“Islam in Focus: Raymond Ibrahim Discusses Constantinople’s 1453 Fall”
Yesterday, May 29, I was interviewed on Global Patriot Radio with Andrew Harrod. The hour long interview can be listened to here. Pasted below is Global Patriot Radio's description: May 29 marks the anniversary in 1453 of the fall of Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire's capital, to the Ottoman Empire. Famed jihad historian Raymond Ibrahim, author of works like Sword and … [Read more...]