Jamie Glazov, of the Glazov Gang, recently interviewed me on the topic of an article I recently wrote, titled “Nothing More than a Slut, a White Whore!” The 20-minute video follows: Glazov Gang: Islam, a ‘Slut’ and a ‘White Whore’. Raymond Ibrahim (Shillman Fellow, Freedom Center) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please … [Read more...]
Ibrahim on Steel on Steel: Christian Persecution, Mexican Border, Political Correctness, and More
I was recently interviewed on Steel on Steel with John Loeffler. "Coptic Christian persecution in Egypt, Islamic terrorists at our southern border, the different perceptions of moderate and radical Muslims, and the political correctness that keeps us from getting at the truth," were among some of the topics we discussed in the 30-minute interview, which can be … [Read more...]
Glazov Gang: CAIR Forces US Army War College onto Its Knees
Jamie Glazov, of the Glazov Gang, recently interviewed me. Below is the official description, followed by the video: Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov. Please donate via our Pay Pal account. Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us. This … [Read more...]
Ten Congressmen Express “Grave Concern” and “Extreme Disappointment” over War College’s Surrender to “Terrorist-Tied” CAIR
In a recent letter, written and delivered to the Commandant of the US Army War College, ten members of Congress shared their “grave concern” that the USAWC “capitulated to the unfounded claims of CAIR [concerning me and my book], and thus damaged the academic freedom and integrity of the high esteem in which the USAWC is held by many around the world…. Not only are we hearing … [Read more...]
Powerline, Providence, Others Denounce War College’s “Spineless Surrender” to Islamist/Leftist Bullying
A number of other notable websites and publications continue to expose the US Army War College's submission to CAIR. Excerpts from and links to some follow: Powerline: In "Army War College Surrenders," Scott Johnson succinctly summarizes the entire fiasco -- including how, in their smear campaign, the Islamists presented me (an ethnic Egyptian) as a "white nationalist" -- … [Read more...]