Note: A number of media that have reported on the US Army War College's capitulation to CAIR -- most recently Breitbart and the College Fix -- have asked me questions, many of which I answered at length. As there was not enough space to publish my full responses, I post them below, the questions I was asked, and my (RI) complete response, for full context: Question: In the … [Read more...]
Recent Interviews on CAIR’s Triumph over the US Army War College
Last week I appeared on over a dozen video and radio interviews -- including CBN News, Newsmax, the Eric Metaxas Show, i24 News, the Paul Edwards Program, the Bill Martinez Show, and Colliding Worldviews -- regarding the US Army War College's recent capitulation to CAIR. Concerning this debacle, Allen West has correctly observed: “My Army has just emboldened and … [Read more...]
“America Can We Talk?” on USAWC/CAIR
In the following interview I speak with Debbie Georgatos of "America Can We Talk?" about the War College/CAIR situation: … [Read more...]
Allen West: “My Army Has Just Emboldened and Encouraged the Enemy, and They Are Laughing at Us”
Note: In the following article (original here), Allen West -- a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel, author, and former member of the U.S. House of Representatives -- shares his thoughts on the US Army War College's recent surrender to CAIR, an Islamist organization with well known terror ties: Greetings, everyone! Yes, you know what today [June 15] is, it is time to … [Read more...]
Sign Now: NAS Letter to Trump on War College’s Surrender to CAIR
The National Association of Scholars (NAS), “the leading organization of scholars and citizens committed to higher education as the catalyst of American freedom,” has come forth in my support and written an open letter to the President of the United States. The signatories, most of whom are academics, call President Trump’s attention to the US Army War College’s recent … [Read more...]