Note: CAIR's Philadelphia branch is also the one that the US Army War College capitulated to. The following JNS article by Sean Savage is especially useful in that it summarizes some of CAIR's more troubling ties with extremism, terrorism, and hate for Israel. (June 19, 2019 / JNS) The U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., is coming under fire over … [Read more...]
Washington Times: “Global Jihad’s Information Warfare Campaign”
Note: The following Washington Times article (Jun 18) was written by Joseph C. Myers, a retired Army lieutenant colonel who specializes in counterterrorism and insurgency issues. He served in Afghanistan and as a Defense Intelligence Agency analyst, and authored the important essay, "The Quranic Concept of War." The mission statement of the U.S. Army Heritage and … [Read more...]
Western Journal: “Did Army College Just Cave? Islam Expert Postponed After Muslim Activists’ Uproar”
Note: The following report by Ryan Ledendecker appeared on the Western Journal's Conservative Tribune on June 15. It also has a poll asking readers if the War College should have caved in to CAIR or not (in a red box half way through the article here). An earlier report titled "US Army War College Drops Speech by Terror Expert, CAIR Cites ‘Anti-Muslim Racism’" also appeared … [Read more...]
“Army War College Sides with CAIR ,” Says Center for Security Policy
Note: The following article by Christopher Holton, Vice President for Outreach at the Center for Security Policy, appeared on the CSP site today and is especially useful because it notes several examples of CAIR's subversive agenda and malignant role in the American body politic: Raymond Ibrahim is one of the most esteemed and intrepid experts on the threat from Islamic … [Read more...]
Washington Times: ‘War College Cancels Speaker on Islam’
Note: The following report by national security columnist Bill Gertz on the US Army War College's surrender to CAIR's slander campaign appeared in the Washington Times, June 12, 2019: A Muslim activist group has pressured the U.S. Army War College into postponing a speech by Ray Ibrahim, an expert on the historical roots of Islamic terrorism, after the group falsely … [Read more...]