I recently appeared on Colliding Worldviews, a program on ABN’s Trinity Channel, hosted by Tony Gurule. Titled, “CAIR vs U.S. Army War College,” the 30-minute interview -- which includes an interesting discussion on the interplay between doctrine and history -- follows: CAIR vs. U.S. Army War College from Tony Gurule on Vimeo. … [Read more...]
Melanie Phillips: “The US Army War College Surrenders to Intimidation”
Note: Melanie Phillips, best-selling British author of Londonistan and The World Turned Upside Down, weighs in on the recent CAIR/War College fiasco (original appears on her website): Raymond Ibrahim is the author of an important new book about Islam, “Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West”. In this meticulously researched work, he … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on CBN News’ Global Lane
On June 28, I appeared on CBN News' Global Lane, with Gary Lane. The official description of the seven minute segment follows: "Free speech silenced. The U.S. Army War College capitulates to the demands of Islamic activist groups and cancels the schedule lecture of this author. Why was this Egyptian-American labeled a white racist?" … [Read more...]
Q&A on War College/CAIR Fiasco
Note: A number of media that have reported on the US Army War College's capitulation to CAIR -- most recently Breitbart and the College Fix -- have asked me questions, many of which I answered at length. As there was not enough space to publish my full responses, I post them below, the questions I was asked, and my (RI) complete response, for full context: Question: In the … [Read more...]
Recent Interviews on CAIR’s Triumph over the US Army War College
Last week I appeared on over a dozen video and radio interviews -- including CBN News, Newsmax, the Eric Metaxas Show, i24 News, the Paul Edwards Program, the Bill Martinez Show, and Colliding Worldviews -- regarding the US Army War College's recent capitulation to CAIR. Concerning this debacle, Allen West has correctly observed: “My Army has just emboldened and … [Read more...]