I recently appeared on Our Eye on Islam, hosted by Toni Bugle and Graham Moore. We discussed a number of topics -- historic, doctrinal, current -- in the hour-long video interview: … [Read more...]
Raymond Ibrahim on Bible Answer Man: Part 2
I recently did the second of a three-part interview with Hank Hanegraaff, host of the The Bible Answer Man, a radio program of the Christian Research Institute. The nearly hour long interview can be listened to here. (Part 1 can be listened to here.) From the program's description: Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics: Hank’s … [Read more...]
Published scholar talks Islam at MTRA
Valley News, by Jacob Preal The Murrieta-Temecula Republican Assembly hosted Islam speaker and scholar Raymond Ibrahim at their recent monthly meeting June 3. Ibrahim presented “The History of Islam and the West – and how ISIS is a continuation of that history” to a receptive crowd. This so-called “history argument” unraveled an alleged history of hostility between the … [Read more...]
Islam: Reform and Other Options
By Matthew Hanley, The Catholic Thing, May 14 I know gossip is officially verboten, but I’m only passing along a news item that has people talking. Did you hear about that guy in Arkansas – Billy Bob Something – who married the wife of his adopted son, after he rather sternly prevailed upon him to divorce her? No joke. This actually happened – except not the other day in … [Read more...]
An Islamic Historian’s Response to Donald Trump’s Proposed Muslim Immigration Ban
By Timothy R. Furnish, PhD, History News Network, May 13, 2016: Donald Trump’s call to temporarily ban Muslim immigration to the US, floated last December, provoked a predictable firestorm of criticism both domestically and abroad, and recently the presumptive Republican nominee for President has moved to moderate his stance. Many if not most on the Left have not only … [Read more...]