Israel National News, by Dr. Stephen M. Kirby I appreciated reading Rebecca Abrahamson’s recent article titled: A Muslim Counter Narrative. She started her article off with the words, “In the shadow of the terror attacks increasingly aimed at Muslims,” and then proceeded to list three recent attacks in which Muslims were killed by “suicide” bombers: The March 27th Easter … [Read more...]
Is the West at Fault for Terrorism?
CDN, by Bob Taylor CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 9, 2016 – When it comes to understanding Islamic extremism, jihad and Muslim thinking, you can count on Middle East analyst Raymond Ibrahim to have an interesting take on the subject. Ibrahim says he never writes about the latest terrorist attacks anywhere in the world because there is no need. “What can one add when a symptom of … [Read more...]
Inconvenient Genocide
Jerusalem Post, by Caroline Glick The Christian communities of Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon are well on the way to joining their Jewish cousins. The Jewish communities of these states predated Islam by a millennium, and were vibrant until the 20th century. But the Arab world’s war on the Jewish state, and more generally on Jews, wiped out the Jewish populations several … [Read more...]
Silence Over Genocide Is Unconscionable
Finger Lake Times, by Dan Hennessy “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” — Matthew 5:13 As far as human beings go, we’re not so very much unlike those who came before us and are probably not much unlike those who will … [Read more...]
Immigration, Reason, and Responsibility
The Catholic World Report, by William Kilpatrick Donald Trump recently raised the specter of an ISIS attack on the Vatican. Mr. Trump likes to claim that he is always the first to know what the future portends, but in this case others have beaten him to it. Last January I wrote an article titled “Will a Future Pope be Forced to Flee Rome?” A year later it might be more … [Read more...]