CDN, by Bob Taylor CHARLOTTE, NC, November 16, 2015 – When you read the words of writers like Ben Norton of Salon, you have to wonder if the world is ever going to sane, or at the very least, reasonable again. Norton claims, “Our terrorism double standard: After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves. “Any time there is an attack on civilians … [Read more...]
The Taqiyya Factor
American Thinker, by Carol Brown Taqiyya is an Islamic doctrine that allows Muslims to deceive non-Muslims. As in lie to them. Dr. Sami Mukaram, author of Taqiyya in Islam, writes: “Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it… Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era.” … [Read more...]
The Jihadists and the Ethnic Cleansing of the Christians in the Middle East
Israel Thrives, by Michael Lumish It is astounding that as Muslims drive Christians out of the Middle East, Christians beyond the region do not seem to much care. The rise of political Islam, since the misnamed "Arab Spring" - hereafter referred to as the Arab Nightmare - has unleashed waves of violence, chaos, and cruelty the likes of which I have not seen since coming to … [Read more...]
Obama’s Mideast Policies Are Paid for in Christian Blood
New American, by Selwyn Duke They cut off the 12-year-old boy's fingertips, but still he refused to convert to Islam. They then “severely beat him,”reports the group Christian Aid Mission, “telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam. When the [father] refused, relatives said, the ISIS militants also tortured and beat him and … … [Read more...]
Writer: U.S. Policy to Blame for Christian Persecution in Middle East
Christian Examiner, by Gregory Tomlin WASHINGTON (Christian Examiner) – The Gatestone Institute, a conservative, non-profit foreign policy think tank chaired by former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, is claiming that while the Islamic State is carrying out its ruthless persecution of Christians, they aren't entirely at fault. Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at … [Read more...]