Independent Journal By Frank Camp During an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Friday, Center for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) L.A. branch director Hussam Ayloush said the United States is partly responsible for radical Islam: … [Read more...]
Prisoners of their own Narrative
American Thinker, by Richard Butrick Al Azhar is generally regarded as Islam’s most prestigious university and, according to NYT, is Sunni Islam’s leading religious institution. But just what is the position of Al Azhar regarding ISIS? Islamic or un-Islamic? Al Azhar has never come forward and denounced ISIS or the horrors committed by ISIS as un-Islamic. There is a reason … [Read more...]
Why Are We Abandoning the Christians?
Jewish Journal By David Suissa In all the self-righteous talk we’ve been hearing about Muslim refugees from Syria, who’s talking about the Christians? Over the past several years, no religious group has been more persecuted throughout the Middle East than the Christians. And yet, hardly a peep. Yes, the Jewish way is not either/or. We’re supposed to be inclusive. So, … [Read more...]
Lessons from Paris
By Bill Muehlenberg So France is now sending war planes into Syria to go after IS. Good. But why was this not done many months ago? Why did it have to wait for so many more of its own innocent citizens to be slaughtered before finally waking up and doing its duty? Western leaders seem as clueless and brainless about Islam and terrorism as so many of our media elites and … [Read more...]
Ben Norton Says Paris Attacks Were Due to Western Right-Wing Hypocrisy
CDN, by Bob Taylor CHARLOTTE, NC, November 16, 2015 – When you read the words of writers like Ben Norton of Salon, you have to wonder if the world is ever going to sane, or at the very least, reasonable again. Norton claims, “Our terrorism double standard: After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves. “Any time there is an attack on civilians … [Read more...]