Israel Thrives, by Michael Lumish It is astounding that as Muslims drive Christians out of the Middle East, Christians beyond the region do not seem to much care. The rise of political Islam, since the misnamed "Arab Spring" - hereafter referred to as the Arab Nightmare - has unleashed waves of violence, chaos, and cruelty the likes of which I have not seen since coming to … [Read more...]
Obama’s Mideast Policies Are Paid for in Christian Blood
New American, by Selwyn Duke They cut off the 12-year-old boy's fingertips, but still he refused to convert to Islam. They then “severely beat him,”reports the group Christian Aid Mission, “telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam. When the [father] refused, relatives said, the ISIS militants also tortured and beat him and … … [Read more...]
Writer: U.S. Policy to Blame for Christian Persecution in Middle East
Christian Examiner, by Gregory Tomlin WASHINGTON (Christian Examiner) – The Gatestone Institute, a conservative, non-profit foreign policy think tank chaired by former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton, is claiming that while the Islamic State is carrying out its ruthless persecution of Christians, they aren't entirely at fault. Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at … [Read more...]
Th Media Assault on Ben Carson and the Taqiyya Lying of Muslims
CDN, Bob Taylor CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 8, 2015 – Sometimes there is nothing sweeter than a historic precedent that verifies a contemporary debate. Such is the case from the 1980s with former President Ronald Reagan and Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, then president of Pakistan, and as recalled by Middle East expert Raymond Ibrahim. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has … [Read more...]
Was the Oregon mass shooting an Islamist attempt to assassinate Alek Skarlatos?
American Thinker By Matthew Vadum Was last week's massacre at Umpqua Community College in Oregon a failed attempt to assassinate a Christian American hero for thwarting a Muslim terrorist train attack this summer in France? There may simply be a series of unlikely coincidences at play, or there may be circumstantial evidence suggesting that anti-jihadist hero Alek … [Read more...]