Fonte/Source: Washington Times Interviews Raymond Ibrahim on Muslim Persecution of Christians | Raymond Ibrahim Nota de Raymond Ibrahim: Cheryl Wetzstein do Washington Times me entrevistou ontem a respeito da perseguição de Cristãos em terras Muçulmanas, especialmente no contexto da Nigéria. A entrevista foi publicada (ontem) no final do dia. Veja a seguir: “Eleições na Nigéria … [Read more...]
1,000 CHURCHES DESTROYED! Fear of More Muslim Attacks on Christianity Escalate During Nigerian Election
By Abigail James Catholic Online Muslim persecution of Christians is unfortunately not something new for those in Nigeria, a population made up of half Muslim and half Christian people. Their upcoming presidential election awakens more fear in Nigerian Christians; the outcome of the election can put them in danger of more Muslim attacks. LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic … [Read more...]
Christians Burned Alive: Where’s the Outrage?
Powerline By John Hinderaker From Pakistan, another in a long series of horrifying news stories: because of a (presumably false) rumor that they had burned pages of a Koran, a Christian couple was burned alive by a mob of Muslims: Sajjad Maseeh, 27, and his wife Shama Bibi, 24, were set upon by at least 1,200 people after rumors circulated that they had burned verses from the … [Read more...]
Western Sleepwalkers and the Paris Massacre
FrontPage Magazine By Bruce Thornton The jihadist murderers are dead, after killing five more Parisians, but many Westerners, long drugged by bad ideas and received wisdom, continue to sleepwalk through the war against jihadism. This means that after all the brave words and feel-good marches, little significant action will be taken to prevent such atrocities from happening … [Read more...]
Egypt’s New President Blasts Islamic Extremists
Newsmax By Todd Beamon In a bold yet little-reported speech, The President of Egypt has directly confronted Islamic leaders in his country and challenged them to stand against extremism in their religion. "We are in need of a religious revolution," President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi told imams on New Years Day at al-Azhar University in Cairo. The speech commemorated the birthday … [Read more...]