WND By F. Michael Maloof WASHINGTON – The gruesome murder of captured Jordanian F-16 pilot Lt. Muath al-Kasabeh by ISIS may have strengthened the resolve of the Jordanian government to launch all-out assaults against the jihadist army as members of the U.S.-led coalition. But it also could have a boomerang effect as Jordanians question why their country should further … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Muslim Churchill
Fox News By Raymond Stock As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s passing and historic state funeral (on Jan. 24 and 30, 1965), shockingly few have noticed that he has an apparent successor in our time. And that figure is neither European nor American — but a Muslim leader in the Middle East. On Jan. 1, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi— … [Read more...]
Nigeria Is One of the ‘Worst Places’ for Christians
Christian Today By Mark Yapching The author of a monthly report on Christian persecution in various countries has ruled Nigeria as one of the least favourable nations for Christians to be in. Raymond Ibrahim pens the monthly report "Muslim Persecution of Christians", which has chronicled instances of persecution against Christians in multiple countries since July … [Read more...]
Washington Times Entrevista Raymond Ibrahim sobre a Perseguição Muçulmana aos Cristãos
Fonte/Source: Washington Times Interviews Raymond Ibrahim on Muslim Persecution of Christians | Raymond Ibrahim Nota de Raymond Ibrahim: Cheryl Wetzstein do Washington Times me entrevistou ontem a respeito da perseguição de Cristãos em terras Muçulmanas, especialmente no contexto da Nigéria. A entrevista foi publicada (ontem) no final do dia. Veja a seguir: “Eleições na Nigéria … [Read more...]
1,000 CHURCHES DESTROYED! Fear of More Muslim Attacks on Christianity Escalate During Nigerian Election
By Abigail James Catholic Online Muslim persecution of Christians is unfortunately not something new for those in Nigeria, a population made up of half Muslim and half Christian people. Their upcoming presidential election awakens more fear in Nigerian Christians; the outcome of the election can put them in danger of more Muslim attacks. LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic … [Read more...]