PJ Media By Roger Kimball As the world endeavors to digest the savage massacre of 12 innocent people in Paris by French Muslims, it is worth stepping back to remember that the last week or so has also seen the publication of two important manifestos by prominent Muslims. Both manifestos, though in different ways, are remarkable for their frank recognition of some salient … [Read more...]
Raising Questions Within Islam After France Shooting
New York Times By David Kirkpatrick Pakistani students read the Quran and prayed last month for the victims of a Taliban attack on a school that left 132 children and nine staff members dead. CreditRizwan Tabassum/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images CAIRO — Islamist extremists behead Western journalists in Syria, massacre thousands of Iraqis, murder 132 Pakistani … [Read more...]
Jonah Goldberg: Islam Reformer Being Ignored
USA Today By Jonah Goldberg The slaughter in Paris Wednesday shocks the conscience but hardly shocks the intellect. In other words, no one is surprised that Muslim extremists are capable of doing this sort of thing. And nearly everyone expected in the early moments of this story that the culprits would be revealed to be Islamic extremists. It is a sad commentary that the … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Sisi: “We are in need of a religious revolution”
Jihad Watch By Robert Spencer The speech that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi recently made calling for Islamic reform is getting quite a bit of attention, and warrants close examination. Here are the excerpts that Raymond Ibrahim posted here at Jihad Watch a few days ago, with my comments interspersed: I am referring here to the religious clerics. We have … [Read more...]
When Will We Wake Up?
FrontPage Magazine By Bruce Thornton The three Muslim gunmen who killed 12 journalists in Paris targeted not just those people and their satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, but a core ideal and human right of the West––the right to free speech in the public square defined by tolerance for different opinions. That’s why the killers, after they had called out the names of their … [Read more...]