Hurriyet News By Burak Bekdil Turkey’s leaders have the habit of chasing conspirators who they claim add fuel to Islamophobia in Europe. Those who ridicule the Islamic faith may not be the ones who conspire against Islam in faraway lands. The final week of the year featured the usual scenes in Turkey: A man dressed as a janissary chasing another dressed as Santa Claus in … [Read more...]
Blockbuster Story. Spiked!
PJ Media By Michael Ledeen I had lunch yesterday with three gentlemen who are very well read, who follow the news attentively, and who would shudder to think they are victims of ideological censorship. Yet not one of them — and the trio includes a very famous former reporter (a first-class reporter at that) for one of the country’s top newspapers — had heard a word about … [Read more...]
The Beginning Of An Islamic Reformation?
Investors Business Daily Reform: To many in the West, Islam seems mired in a pre-medieval mindset that makes it unable to reconcile the fundamental precepts of its faith with those of the modern world. But there are encouraging signs of change. In what Roger L. Simon rightly called "an extraordinary" New Year's speech that got virtually no attention in the West, Egypt's … [Read more...]
Islam Kills Again
Right Side News By Alan Caruba The news from Paris about the killing of twelve journalists highlights Islam's war on the West that represents a fundamental truth about this cult of Mohammad. Most are familiar with the Islamic schism between the majority Sunnis and the minority Shiites. It dates back to the very earliest days of Islam when the two groups disagreed over who … [Read more...]
President Sisi’s Speech
First Things By Mark Movsesian The Internet is buzzing with news of a speech last week by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt on the need for a “religious revolution” in Islam. Speaking at Cairo’s Al Azhar University, the most important center of Islamic learning in the Sunni world, Sisi admonished the assembled scholars to revisit Islamic law, or fiqh, in order to calm … [Read more...]