F. Michael Maloof WND WASHINGTON – “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” This is the statement that fighters in ISIS demand of captured Christians if they don’t want to be summarily executed, mostly by beheading. But now Raymond Ibrahim, writing for the Gatestone Institute, says that if a Christian is captured by ISIS and makes such a profession, they … [Read more...]
Must Middle Eastern Christians Keep Turning the Other Cheek?
By David Pryce-Jones National Review Online Christianity is under attack throughout the Muslim world. Iraq and Egypt still have sizable Christian communities but hundreds of thousands of Christians from both countries have fled abroad. Since Lebanon came under the thumb of Hezbollah, the Shiite terrorists sponsored by Iran, the Christian community there has just about … [Read more...]
What Century Are We In?
by Ed Vitagliano AFA Journal The world’s attention is now fixed on an army of radical Muslim jihadists going by the name Islamic State – or the acronym ISIS – that threatens the stability of the Middle East. They have also threatened to destroy the West, including the United States, and subject it to Islamic law. That threat is more bluster than a real possibility, but for … [Read more...]
Psychological Warfare and Terrorism
By William Kilpatrick Crisis Magazine In a recent column, I suggested that one of the best ways to fight terrorism is by undermining the terrorist’s ideology. For example, by undercutting the belief that seventy-two virgins await the young martyr in paradise, you simultaneously undermine the will to fight. That’s not to say that the standard method of fighting terrorists—with … [Read more...]
Islam and the Mother Lode of Bad Ideas
Andrew Gripp IVN.US The spat between Ben Affleck, Sam Harris, and Bill Maher on the HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher over Islam has become so heated and escalated that even 10 days hence, it has still managed to survive the erosive force of the 24-hour news cycle in a way unique among cable TV debates. The feud began after Affleck interrupted Maher’s interview of Sam Harris … [Read more...]