I discussed several topics in the first 30 minutes of The Drive Home: … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on the Alan Autry Show
A recent interview: … [Read more...]
Video: EWTN Bookmark—Defenders of the West
My recent appearance on EWTN's Bookmark with Doug Keck: … [Read more...]
Audio: ‘Stop Apologizing for the Crusades, with Raymond Ibrahim’
My recent interview on the Christian Emergency podcast can be accessed here. Below is the official description of my episode: Christians by and large do not know Christian history. That is a lamentable fact we at the Christian Emergency Alliance strive to address. But one aspect of Christian history that is most suppressed today is that of muscular Christianity. Christianity … [Read more...]
Audio: Iron Sharpens Iron Interview with Raymond Ibrahim (Part 1)
Iron Sharpens Iron's Chris Arnzen interviews me for two hours on a broad array of topics (lengthy commercial blocks can be manually fast-forwarded): https://ironsharpensironradio.com/podcast/20230801ISI.mp3 … [Read more...]