By William Mayer PipeLineNews June 30, 2014 – San Francisco, CA – – Make no mistake about it, the escalating jihadist surge in Iraq and Syria is now owned by President Obama. This is his war. As a result of more than two years of feckless inattention, including the administration's failure to negotiate a status of forces agreement with the Maliki … [Read more...]
Omaha’s Tri-Faith Initiative Mirrors “Pact of Umar”
by Joe Herring and Dr. Mark Christian FrontPage Magazine For those of you unfamiliar with Islamic history, Umar bin al-Khattab – the second Islamic Caliph – made an agreement with the subjugated Christians of Syria setting forth the conditions under which said Christians would be permitted to live in proximity to the conquering Muslims. This Pact of Umar is the origination … [Read more...]
The Metropalistan Opera
By Tabitha Korol Renew America Canceling the simulcast of 'The Death of Klinghoffer" does not exculpate any of the personnel affiliated with the opera if the show will be presented on stage as scheduled. Because Peter Gelb acknowledged the "genuine concern in the international Jewish community," he is not oblivious to the impropriety, yet he continues unimpeded. He may well … [Read more...]
Pact of Omar: An old Islamic/Christian agreement with new meaning
By Bob Taylor Washington Times Much of the persecution of Christians taking place in Middle Eastern nations that have come under the cloud of Sharia law today is based upon the Pact of Omar and, as Muslims seek to reclaim what they perceive as their lost Islamic heritage, they are increasingly enforcing these age-old precepts on non-Muslims around the world, especially … [Read more...]
Hero or Villain? More Questions over Bergdahl Swap
By Heather Sells CBN News There will be no hero's welcome in Hailey, Idaho, for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the American soldier who was freed in exchange for five Taliban leaders. The town has been swamped with hate mail and angry calls, labeling Bergdahl a traitor. The Taliban captured him in 2009 after he walked away from his unit unarmed. Now Army officials are reviewing … [Read more...]