Hillsdale Daily News The following guest editorial is writer Connie R. Gale's reaction to Sheldon Richman's opinion piece, "Obama, Kerry jeopardize peace with Iran," which appeared in the March 22, 2014 edition of the Hillsdale Daily News. Sheldon Richman's opinion in Hillsdale Daily News negatively stereotyped Israel and portrayed Iran as a victim seeking peace. Richman … [Read more...]
Mary, Martyr for the Cross; Obama, Muslim Brotherhood Enabler
By Judi McLeod Canada Free Press The horrific, only-days-ago murder of Coptic Christian Mary Sameh George, in a suburb of Cairo, can honestly be laid at the feet of shameful Muslim Brotherhood booster President Barack Hussein Obama. Rioting Muslim Brotherhood supporters attacked the Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church, opening fire on it and setting … [Read more...]
Islamist mob kills Coptic Christian woman in Cairo
By Julia E. Seymour World An Islamist mob beat, stabbed, and shot Mary Sameh George to death in Cairo on March 28, reportedly because of the cross hanging in her car. George, a Coptic Christian in her mid-20s, parked near Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church to deliver medicine and food to the elderly after work that day. International Christian … [Read more...]
Unacceptable! Barack Obama’s Islamic Jihad Against Christians
By Pete Parker Clash Daily Make no mistake: By financing the Syrian rebels and the Muslim Brotherhood–President Obama has launched an Islamic Jihad against Christians. As I have previously mentioned in this column–the violence being perpetrated by the Obama backed rebels against the Christian community of Syria is beyond savage. Not only have the rebels beheaded thousands of … [Read more...]
Islamic cleric issues fatwa urging destitute women in Syria to become sex slaves
By Joseph Parker The Examiner A cleric has issued a fatwa urging destitute Syrian women to become sex slaves to jihadists in order to keep the civil war raging in that country. In a video, Jordanian Sheikh Yassin al-Ajlawni, said the following: "The needy, disenfranchised Syrian woman is permitted to ask the Muslim man who is capable of supporting her, to enter into [sic] a … [Read more...]