Times of Israel by Mike Lumish The tidbit below was written by Raymond Ibrahim and published at the Gatestone Institute: The rise of endemic Christian persecution in the Middle East was noted in November when Roman Catholic Pope Francis declared “We will not resign ourselves to imagining a Middle East without Christians” and stressed the importance of “the universal right to … [Read more...]
Syrian Rebels Kidnap Nuns and Orphans
Christian Voice by Robin Phillips A group of nuns and orphans remain missing after their abduction at the hands of Syrian rebels. Over two months have now elapsed since Mother Superior Pelagia Sayyaf and at least 11 other nuns were kidnapped on 2 December from their Convent of St. Thecla, Maaloula, Syria. The orphans who lived in the monastery were also taken captive. A … [Read more...]
Putin Winning Egypt
Breitbart.com by William Bigelow Russia's President Vladimir Putin is winning a big chip in the worldwide game of poker that Russia plays against the U.S.: Egypt. Putin said this week that Field Marshal Sisi, 59, who is likely to run for the presidency in Egypt and is in Moscow to negotiate a $2 billion arms deal with Russia, has his backing if he runs. Putin said he was … [Read more...]
Pentagon caves to Muslim groups as suspected jihadi-infiltrators on the rise
By Allen West (via AllenBWest.com) As our troops in the combat zone contend with the release of Taliban killers and restrictive rules of engagement, they must contend with an Obama administration cowering to Islamic political correctness at home. As you may be aware, the Pentagon caved to pressure from Muslim groups and relaxed uniform rules to allow Islamic beards, turbans … [Read more...]
Study: Government Restrictions, Social Hostility Rise Against Religion
Newsmax By Andrea Billups Government restrictions on religion and social hostilities involving religion are on the rise around the world, a new study from the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life disclosed. Social hostilities include "abuse of religious minorities by private individuals or groups in society for acts perceived as offensive or threatening … [Read more...]